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PAINTING | Fine Arts

I used oil pastels to paint my daughter when I was pregnant. She's a precious gift from heaven. I did this drawing in hope that she will be a healthy baby.


Guangfu Village in Taichung, Taiwan was hosting a Sidewalk Art competition. I entered with my kids. I used the oil pastel drawing as the initial design, and used chalks, paint brushes and water to finish our piece. This chalk artwork is more colorful and vibrant, because it now symbolizes something different.


This piece is called "The New Hope". As my statement said, "during the pandemic, human race needs to have faith. The new hope lies in each of us. Persevere and unite with love, not hatred." 


COVID-19 took 5.94 million peoples' lives globally. Right now, there are still a lot of families being separated because of the pandemic. Some of them are being separated temporarily due to quarantine or hospitalization, while a lot are departed forever without even able to hold each other's hands.

We won the third place. When I was on the stage getting our award certificate, I stated once again the importance for human race to unite together. Anti-Asian hate crime increased by 339% in 2021. Blaming Asians for the virus does not help with controlling the pandemic. Being fully vaccinated, wearing masks properly when we are sick, showing support for medical staff will hopefully make the pandemic slow down and die off eventually. 

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